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Presbyopia is the normal loss of close focusing ability that occurs with age. Presbyopia is not a disease, but a normal aging process of the eye and especially of the lens that scleroses as it hardens. This aging process begins at birth, but most people begin to notice the effects of presbyopia after they reach the age of 40-45, when they begin to have difficulty seeing small print clearly - including text messages on their phone their. Although presbyopia is a normal change in our eyes as we age, it is often a significant and emotional event because it is a sign of aging that is impossible to ignore and difficult to hide. Worldwide, approximately 1.3 billion people had presbyopia in 2011. This number is expected to increase to 2.1 billion by 2020.

Correction of presbyopia and restoration of accommodation are considered the final frontier of refractive surgery. Various approaches to the cornea and lens are addressed to achieve surgical correction of this disability. There are, however, a number of limitations and considerations that have prevented the widespread acceptance of surgical correction for presbyopia. Quality of vision, optical and visual distortions, effect regression, complications such as corneal ectasia and opacity, anisometropia after monovision correction, distance vision, and the invasive nature of current techniques have limited the use of presbyopia surgery.


Symptoms appear between the ages of 40 and 45 and progress until about 60 years of age. They consist of an increasing difficulty for clear vision of nearby objects. Reading becomes more and more difficult and instinctively extends the arms to remove texts (an effect known as the "long arms syndrome") at a distance greater than 33 cm in order to be able to read them clearly. At that distance, many characters are too far away to be easily identified. Symptoms are accentuated in low light conditions and at the end of the day.


Presbyopia differs from astigmatism, myopia, and farsightedness, which are related to the shape of the eyeball and are caused by genetic and environmental factors. Presbyopia is generally thought to result from a gradual thickening and loss of flexibility of the natural lens at eye level. 

Presbiopia apare în mod natural la oameni pe măsură ce îmbătrânesc. Ochiul nu este capabil să focalizeze direct lumina asupra retinei datorită sclerozei și întăririi lentilei naturale (cristalinul). Îmbătrânirea afectează, de asemenea, fibrele musculare din jurul obiectivului, ceea ce face ca ochiul să se concentreze mai mult asupra obiectelor apropiate. Lentila ineficientă determină lumina să se focalizeze în spatele retinei, provocând o vizibilitate slabă pentru obiectele apropiate. Comparativ cu persoanele trecute de 40 – 45 de ani, la persoanele mai tinere, lentila ochiului este moale și flexibilă, permițând mușchilor mici din interiorul ochiului să remodelate cu ușurință lentila pentru a se focaliza pe obiecte apropiate și îndepărtate. Orice persoană cu vârsta peste 40 de ani este în pericol pentru dezvoltarea presbiopiei. Toată lumea se confruntă cu o anumită pierdere a puterii de focalizare pentru obiectele apropiate, pe măsură ce îmbătrânesc, dar unii vor observa acest lucru mai mult decât alții.


Prescription glasses with progressive lenses are the most popular solution for presbyopia for most people over 40. These multifocal lenses restore vision and provide excellent vision at all distances, regardless of the refractive errors you have in addition to presbyopia. Another option is to choose glasses with bifocal lenses. But bifocals are much less popular these days because they offer a more limited range of vision for many presbyopes. Also, most people don't want to show their age by wearing glasses that have a visible bifocal line.

It is also common for people with presbyopia to notice that they become increasingly sensitive to light and glare due to age-related changes in their eyes. Photochromic lenses, which automatically darken in sunlight, are a good choice for this reason. They are available in all lens designs, including progressive and bifocals.

Reading glasses are another choice. Unlike bifocals and progressive lenses, which most people wear all day, reading glasses are worn only when needed to better see close objects and small prints.

Regardless of the type of glasses you choose to correct presbyopia, definitely consider lenses that include anti-reflective coating. Anti-reflective coating eliminates reflections that can be distracting and cause eye strain. It also helps reduce glare and increase visual clarity for nighttime driving.